Nail your next lamb roast!

Taste test some of the best camp tucker you can wrap your language gear around!
Words by Michael Borg Images by Camper Trailer Lifestyle
What you need:
- Leg of lamb (approx. 2kg)
- Garlic
- Rice Oil
- Beer
- Onions
- Potatoes
- Carrots
- Yams
How it’s done
- First up, get that campfire cranking. You want to have plenty of hot coals ready to go before you start cooking.
- Pour some water in the camp oven until it reaches just below the trivet, you can add a bit of beer as well. This will help keep the meat moist while it cooks. Then pop it over by the fire and let it pre-heat while you get the lamb and veggies ready to go.
- Cut half a dozen one-inch slices right around the meat, and stuff the slits with sliced garlic. Then rub some rice oil over the leg of lamb before placing it in the camp oven. Pour a bit of beer over the meat and pop the lid on.
- Give it a good half an hour or so before lifting the lid and checking its progress. It should be starting to sear up nicely. Now’s also the time to put all of your chopped-up veggies in with the roast, along with another generous splash of your favourite ale. Then, whack your feet up and let it cook away! It’ll usually take between an hour to an hour and a half to cook right through.
Tricks of the trade
- Sitting the camp oven on a bed of coals a metre or so away from the main fire, instead of directly next to the campfire will help control the heat more effectively
- Hearing the water gently bubbling away in the oven indicates the temperature is just about right
- Putting a good shovel full of coals on the lid of the camp oven helps to circulate the heat